What's New in December 2024
December 12, 2024
This month, three new books have been added to What Everyone Needs to Know®. Find out more:
- Addiction by Suzette Glasner provides a clear overview of addiction, aiming to dispel common misconceptions and answers key questions about addiction in an accessible, research-based manner. The book covers the origins of addiction, treatment options, and related challenges.
- Marine Pollution (2nd ed.) by Judith S. Weis provides a comprehensive overview of marine pollution. It starts with background information on the marine environment and covers various types of pollution, including nutrients, metals, oil, pesticides, plastics, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, and more. Each chapter discusses the sources, effects, and solutions for these pollutants.
- Puerto Rico (2nd ed.) by Jorge Duany provides a concise and authoritative overview of Puerto Rico's history, culture, politics, and economy. It discusses the island's unique status as a U.S. Commonwealth, the ongoing debates about its political status, the impact of its massive public debt, and the strong national identity of Puerto Ricans.
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