Agricultural and Food Controversies: What Everyone Needs to Know®
F. Bailey Norwood, Michelle S. Calvo-Lorenzo, Sarah Lancaster, and Pascal A. Oltenacu
The public is more interested in agricultural and food issues than ever before, as is evident in the many agricultural controversies debated in the media. Why is it that some people embrace ...
Behavioral Finance: What Everyone Needs to Know®
H. Kent Baker, Greg Filbeck, and John R. Nofsinger
People tend to be penny wise and pound foolish and cry over spilt milk, even though we are taught to do neither. Focusing on the present at the expense of the future and basing decisions on ...
China's Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know® (2 ed.)
Arthur R. Kroeber
China’s economic growth has been revolutionary, and is the foundation of its increasingly prominent role in world affairs. It is the world’s second biggest economy, the largest ...
Corruption: What Everyone Needs to Know®
Ray Fisman and Miriam A. Golden
Corruption regularly makes front page headlines: public officials embezzling government monies, selling public offices, and trading bribes for favors to private companies generate public ...
Economic Development: What Everyone Needs to Know® (2 ed.)
Marcelo M. Giugale
There is much discussion about global poverty and the billions of people living with almost nothing. Why is it that governments, development banks, think-tanks, academics, NGOs and many ...
The Federal Reserve: What Everyone Needs to Know®
Stephen H. Axilrod
The Federal Reserve System--the central bank of the United States, better known as The Fed--has never been more controversial. Criticism has reached such levels that Congressman Ron Paul, ...
Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know® (3 ed.)
Robert Paarlberg
Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know is the third
edition of a book that has been widely used in graduate and undergraduate courses on food and food
Inequality: What Everyone Needs to Know®
James K. Galbraith
Over the past thirty years, the issue of economic inequality has emerged from the backwaters of economics to claim center stage in the political discourse of America and beyond a change ...
International Trade: What Everyone Needs to Know®
Anne O. Krueger
International trade and trade policy have become increasingly important and complex in recent years. In this comprehensive introduction to the key aspects of international trade policy, ...
Sustainable Investing: What Everyone Needs to Know®
H. Kent Baker, Hunter M. Holzhauer, and John R. Nofsinger
Can investors do well fi-nancially and at the same time do good for the world? Should they try? Many assume that investors “don’t care who wins” if they’re making mon-ey. For some ...
Taxes in America: What Everyone Needs to Know® (2 ed.)
Leonard E. Burman and Joel Slemrod
Arguments about taxation are among the most heated-no other topic is as influential to the role of government and the distribution of costs and benefits in America. But while understanding ...
Terrorism: What Everyone Needs to Know®
Todd Sandler
The causes and consequences of terrorism are matters of considerable debate and great interest. Spectacular events are recognized by their dates, including the 9/11 attacks in New York and ...
Universal Basic Income: What Everyone Needs to Know®
Matt Zwolinski and Miranda Perry Fleischer
The motivating idea of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is radically simple:
give people cash and let them do whatever they want with it. But does this simple idea have the
Women in the Workforce: What Everyone Needs to Know®
Laura M. Argys and Susan L. Averett
The transformation of women’s lives (and hence the lives of their families) has upended society as we once thought we knew it. This book takes a holistic view of the economic lives of women ...