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- 1 Personalized Medicine
- 2 Genome Fundamentals
- 3 An Introduction to Cancer Genetics
- 4 Genomics and Cancer Treatment
- 5 Solving Mystery Diseases
- 6 Complex Genetic Diseases
- 7 Pharmacogenomics
- 8 Genomics for the Healthy Person
- 9 Prenatal Testing
- 10 Effects of the Environment on the Genome and Epigenetics
- 11 Other ‘Omes
- 12 The Personal Microbiome
- 13 Your Immune System and Infectious Diseases
- 14 Aging and Health
- 15 Wearable Health Devices
- 16 Big Data and Medicine
- 17 Delivery of Genomic Information
- 18 Ethics
- 19 Education
- 20 Privacy
- 21 Paying for Personalized Medicine
- 22 The Future of Personalized Medicine